
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]

  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 300
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 300
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 300
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 300
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 300
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 300
  • ダりンロヌド商品
    ¥ 1,100

Product Description: • It consists of a Chinese dress, heels, earrings, and eye textures. • Includes eye textures -> 9 color textures and china dress/heels -> 6 color textures. • Poiyomi and LilToon shaders were used, and materials in all colors with each shader applied are available. The version of the Poiyomi shader used is [poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.161], and we cannot be held responsible for problems that occur when using a different version of the shader. 제품 섀명: • 찚읎나 드레슀, 힐, 귀걞읎, 눈 텍슀처로 구성되얎 있습니닀. • 눈 텍슀처->9개, 찚읎나 드레슀/힐->6개의 컬러 텍슀처가 포핚되얎 있습니닀. • Poiyomi와 LilToon 쉐읎더륌 사용했윌며, 각 쉐읎더가 적용된 몚든 색상의 마테늬얌읎 쀀비되얎있습니닀. 사용한 Poiyomi쉐읎더의 버전은 [poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.161]읎며, 닀륞 버전의 쉐읎더륌 사용 할 시에 생Ʞ는 묞제는 책임질 수 없습니닀. 補品説明: •チャむナドレス、ヒヌル、むダリング、アむテクスチャで構成されおいたす。 •目のテクスチャ - > 9぀、チャむナドレス/ヒヌル - > 6぀のカラヌテクスチャが含たれおいたす。 • PoiyomiずLilToonのシェヌダヌを䜿甚しおおり、各シェヌダヌを適甚した党色の玠材が甚意されおいたす。 䜿甚したPoiyomiシェヌダのバヌゞョンは[poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.161]であり、他のバヌゞョンのシェヌダを䜿甚する際に生じる問題は責任を負いたせん。 Shader: Liltoon shader - https://booth.pm/ko/items/3087170 PoiYomi - https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases Please use the body shrink shape key: I recommend using the Shoulder shrink shape key to prevent the body mesh from being exposed. 바디 메쉬가 녞출되는것을 방지하Ʞ 위핎 Shoulder shrink 쉐읎프킀륌 사용하시는걞 권장합니닀. ボディメッシュが露出するのを防ぐために、Shoulder shrinkシェむプキヌを䜿甚するこずをお勧めしたす。 Support shape key: Lasyusha↓ Breast_Big Breast_Small Heel Lime↓ Waist_slim Breasts_Big Manuka↓ Waist_corset Breast_Big Stocking (only option_2) Foot_heel Foot_heel_high Moe↓ Corset Big breasts Small breasts High heeled_OFF High heeled_ON Knee Socks Selestia↓ Breast_big Breast_small Stocking Foot_heel Shinra↓ Breast_big Breast_small Preset_Slender Legs_niso Legs_Fat Legs_slim Foot_highheel ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Terms of Use: • Resale, illegal distribution/sharing/exchange are not allowed. • Commercial use on streaming platforms (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) is permitted, but other commercial use is prohibited. As an exception, use in commissions is only possible when both parties purchase the asset. 읎용앜ꎀ: • 재판맀,불법배포/공유/교환읎 불가능합니닀. • 슀튞늬밍 플랫폌(유튜람,튞위치 등)에서의 상업적 읎용은 허가하나, 읎왞의 상업읎용은 ꞈ지합니닀. 예왞로 컀믞션에서의 사용은 ì–‘ìž¡ 몚두 핎당 에셋을 구맀하였을 때에 한핎서 가능합니닀. 利甚芏玄 • 転売、違法配垃・共有・亀換は犁止です。 • ストリヌミング プラットフォヌム (YouTube、Twitch など) での商甚利甚は蚱可されおいたすが、その他の商甚利甚は犁止されおいたす。 䟋倖ずしお、Commissionでの䜿甚は、双方が資産を賌入した堎合にのみ可胜です。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Support Avatar: Manuka - https://booth.pm/ko/items/5058077 Moe - https://booth.pm/ko/items/4667400 Lime - https://komado.booth.pm/items/4876459 Lasyusha - https://booth.pm/ja/items/4825073 Selestia - https://booth.pm/ko/items/4035411 Shinra - https://mio3works.booth.pm/items/4707634 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Update: [release date-23/09/08] 23/09/09 - 였류로 읞핎 마테늬얌에 Normal Map읎 포핚되지 않았던 것을 고치고, 마테늬얌의 수치륌 수정핚. Fixed the Normal Map not being included in the material due to an error, and corrected the material's values. ゚ラヌのため、マテリアルにNormal Mapが含たれおいないこずを修正し、マテリアルの数倀を修正したした。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Discord server : https://discord.gg/u8qNqAuFMz Twitter : https://twitter.com/Seol_leo_

China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
China Dress+Eye Texture💖[C03]
Product Description: • It consists of a Chinese dress, heels, earrings, and eye textures. • Includes eye textures -> 9 color textures and china dress/heels -> 6 color textures. • Poiyomi and LilToon shaders were used, and materials in all colors with each shader applied are available. The version of the Poiyomi shader used is [poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.161], and we cannot be held responsible for problems that occur when using a different version of the shader. 제품 섀명: • 찚읎나 드레슀, 힐, 귀걞읎, 눈 텍슀처로 구성되얎 있습니닀. • 눈 텍슀처->9개, 찚읎나 드레슀/힐->6개의 컬러 텍슀처가 포핚되얎 있습니닀. • Poiyomi와 LilToon 쉐읎더륌 사용했윌며, 각 쉐읎더가 적용된 몚든 색상의 마테늬얌읎 쀀비되얎있습니닀. 사용한 Poiyomi쉐읎더의 버전은 [poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.161]읎며, 닀륞 버전의 쉐읎더륌 사용 할 시에 생Ʞ는 묞제는 책임질 수 없습니닀. 補品説明: •チャむナドレス、ヒヌル、むダリング、アむテクスチャで構成されおいたす。 •目のテクスチャ - > 9぀、チャむナドレス/ヒヌル - > 6぀のカラヌテクスチャが含たれおいたす。 • PoiyomiずLilToonのシェヌダヌを䜿甚しおおり、各シェヌダヌを適甚した党色の玠材が甚意されおいたす。 䜿甚したPoiyomiシェヌダのバヌゞョンは[poi_Toon_7.3.50_To_8.1.161]であり、他のバヌゞョンのシェヌダを䜿甚する際に生じる問題は責任を負いたせん。 Shader: Liltoon shader - https://booth.pm/ko/items/3087170 PoiYomi - https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases Please use the body shrink shape key: I recommend using the Shoulder shrink shape key to prevent the body mesh from being exposed. 바디 메쉬가 녞출되는것을 방지하Ʞ 위핎 Shoulder shrink 쉐읎프킀륌 사용하시는걞 권장합니닀. ボディメッシュが露出するのを防ぐために、Shoulder shrinkシェむプキヌを䜿甚するこずをお勧めしたす。 Support shape key: Lasyusha↓ Breast_Big Breast_Small Heel Lime↓ Waist_slim Breasts_Big Manuka↓ Waist_corset Breast_Big Stocking (only option_2) Foot_heel Foot_heel_high Moe↓ Corset Big breasts Small breasts High heeled_OFF High heeled_ON Knee Socks Selestia↓ Breast_big Breast_small Stocking Foot_heel Shinra↓ Breast_big Breast_small Preset_Slender Legs_niso Legs_Fat Legs_slim Foot_highheel ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Terms of Use: • Resale, illegal distribution/sharing/exchange are not allowed. • Commercial use on streaming platforms (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) is permitted, but other commercial use is prohibited. As an exception, use in commissions is only possible when both parties purchase the asset. 읎용앜ꎀ: • 재판맀,불법배포/공유/교환읎 불가능합니닀. • 슀튞늬밍 플랫폌(유튜람,튞위치 등)에서의 상업적 읎용은 허가하나, 읎왞의 상업읎용은 ꞈ지합니닀. 예왞로 컀믞션에서의 사용은 ì–‘ìž¡ 몚두 핎당 에셋을 구맀하였을 때에 한핎서 가능합니닀. 利甚芏玄 • 転売、違法配垃・共有・亀換は犁止です。 • ストリヌミング プラットフォヌム (YouTube、Twitch など) での商甚利甚は蚱可されおいたすが、その他の商甚利甚は犁止されおいたす。 䟋倖ずしお、Commissionでの䜿甚は、双方が資産を賌入した堎合にのみ可胜です。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Support Avatar: Manuka - https://booth.pm/ko/items/5058077 Moe - https://booth.pm/ko/items/4667400 Lime - https://komado.booth.pm/items/4876459 Lasyusha - https://booth.pm/ja/items/4825073 Selestia - https://booth.pm/ko/items/4035411 Shinra - https://mio3works.booth.pm/items/4707634 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Update: [release date-23/09/08] 23/09/09 - 였류로 읞핎 마테늬얌에 Normal Map읎 포핚되지 않았던 것을 고치고, 마테늬얌의 수치륌 수정핚. Fixed the Normal Map not being included in the material due to an error, and corrected the material's values. ゚ラヌのため、マテリアルにNormal Mapが含たれおいないこずを修正し、マテリアルの数倀を修正したした。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Discord server : https://discord.gg/u8qNqAuFMz Twitter : https://twitter.com/Seol_leo_